about Amy Neustein, Ph.D.
(partial list)
• December 21, 1987 “Home is Where the Hurt Is,” by D. Blake Hallanan and Nancy Suefert. Time Magazine (pg. 68).
• Winter 1988 “Mother Loses Custody Over Alleged Sexual Abuse by Father,” by Margot Schneier. NOW-NYS Action Report (pp. 1-2).
• February 5, 1988 “Kidnapped? Children Can Run Away, be Kidnapped or ‘Legally’ Stolen,” by Marguerite Shrader. The Manteca Bulletin (California) (pg. B-1) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• April 21, 1988 “Child Abuse Explored at Forum,” by Karen Winner. The Westsider (pg. 5).
• August 11, 1988 “Officials Say Abuse Case Review Due,” by Karen Winner. The Westsider (pp. 3, 11).
• September 11, 1988 “Mother Fights to get Custody of Her Two Sons,” by Denise Reynolds. Times Geauga Leader (Ohio) (pp. 1, 4) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• September 21, 1988 “Mother Seeking to Protect Child ‘Abused’ by Court,” by Eleanor Bader. The Guardian (pg. 6).
• October 1988 “Mothers Who Go to Jail for Their Children,” by Marianne Jacobbi and Rosalind Wright. Good Housekeeping (pp. 234-238) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• January/February 1989 “Incest Creates Havoc in Orthodox Home,” by Eleanor Bader. New Directions for Women (pp. 1, 15).
• January 5, 1989 “Custody Fight Splits Family,” by Allen Norwood. The Charlotte Observer (Local News Section, pp. 1-2) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• March 10, 1989 “Judges Deny Moms' Claims,” by Ellen Tumposky. New York Daily News (pg. 6).
• March 13, 1989 “Exposing Dads Who Rape Their Children: Albany Has Taken First Bold Step,” by Ray Kerrison. New York Post (pg. 2).
• March 22, 1989 “Family Court Fails Abused Children,” by Eleanor Bader. The Guardian (pg. 2).
• April 5, 1989 “Another Lisa Steinberg Horror?” by Ray Kerrison. New York Post (pg. 2).
• June 11, 1989 “Growing ‘Underground Railway’ Hides Moms, Kids from Court,” by Jim Howe. Syracuse Herald American (Lifestyle section, pp. 11-12) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• June 21, 1989 “Despite Abuse, Judge Sides with Father,” by Eleanor Bader. The Guardian (pg. 2).
• June 24, 1989 “Maine Court Deciding Custody Fate of Island Kids,” by Raymond A. Wittek. Staten Island Advance (pg. A12) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• June 29, 1989 “National Organization for Women Urges Veto of Bill Outlawing False Child Abuse,” by Deborah Gesensway. The Times Union (Albany, NY) (lead story: pp. A1, A13).
• July 13, 1989 “ ‘Underground’ Hides Fleeing Families — And Draws Some Criticism,” by David R. Anderson. Seattle Post-Intelligencer (pg. 5) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• July 20, 1989 “New Law Aims at False Reports of Child Abuse,” (AP story). The Buffalo News (pg. A-6) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• July 21, 1989 “New Law is Menace to Abused Children,” by Ray Kerrison. The New York Post (pg. 2) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• August 1989 “Cloaked Justice: Does Secrecy in Sex-Abuse Cases Really Protect Children?” by David Berreby. Savvy Woman Vol. 10, Issue 8 (pp. 11-12) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• August 14, 1989 “Found N.H. Mother on the Run Says Underground Was Difficult,” by Clare Kittredge. The Boston Globe (pg. 19) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• Fall 1989 “Child Sex Abuse Case in Brooklyn,” by Susan Mahler. NOW-NYC Newsletter (pp. 4, 6).
• Fall 1989 “Morgan and Neustein: Mothers Against the Courts,” by Susan Mahler. NOW-NYS Action Report (pg. 10).
• September 27, 1989 “Moms Mad at Family Court,” by Bill Farrell. New York Daily News (pg. KSI 1).
• October 1, 1989 “Claims of Sex Abuse Color Custody Battles,” by Deborah Gesensway. The Times Union (Albany, NY) (pp. 1, 8).
• October 16, 1989 “Rancorous Debate Over Herpes Colors Battle for Custody of 5-Year-Old Girl,” by Charles Bosworth, Jr. Illinois Post (pp. 1, 6) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• November 1989 “The Horror of Family Court,” by Viva. New York Woman (pp. 110-115).
• December 27, 1989 “Two Bills Fight Sex Abuse by Parents,” by Ray Kerrison. The New York Post (pg. 2).
• January/February 1990 “Child Doomed by Family Court,” by Marylou Greenberg. New Directions for Women (pg. 2).
• March 30, 1990 “Controversial Judge Stepping Down,” by Alexis Jetter. New York Newsday (pp. 19, 37).
• April 29, 1990 “Kids on the Lam,” by Sheila Anne Feeney. New York Daily News (pp. 1, 4, New York Life section) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• June 19, 1990 “Faye Yager’s Crusade,” by Tanya Barrientos. The Philadelphia Inquirer (pp. 1-F, 10-F) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• August 31, 1990 “Incredible Return of Misogynist a Disgrace,” by Ray Kerrison. New York Post (pg. 2).
• September 1, 1990 “Group Protests Custody: Says Girls Unhappy with their Father,” by Todd Nelson. The Argus Leader (Sioux Falls, South Dakota) (pp. 1A-2A) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• November 19, 1990 “A Tradition of Silence Hides Family Violence,” by Clara Hemphill. New York Newsday (pp. 2, 35) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• Spring 1991 “Fighting for Child Custody,” by Eleanor Bader. Lilith Magazine (pg. 5).
• May 6, 1991 “Critics Say Lawmakers Fail to Address Family Court Flaws,” by Naomi Zabala. The Legislative Gazette (pg. 19).
• June 20, 1991 “The Ball is in Monitors' Court Now,” by Merle English. New York Newsday (pg. 25) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• July 1, 1991 “Custody Case A Travesty of Justice,” by Ray Kerrison. New York Post (pg. 2).
• January 11, 1992 “Family Courts: Are They Meeting Their Mission? A Father Says No,” by Charles Baillou. The New York Amsterdam News (pg. 18) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• March 2, 1992 “Expert Sees Trend of Moms Losing Kids,” by Amy P. Hathaway. Star-Gazette (Elmira, NY) (pg. 2A) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• March 8, 1992 “Life in the Underground: Frustrated Moms Take Kids, Law into Own Hands,” by Steve Mills. Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) (pp. 1A, 9A) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• March 8, 1992 “Safe-House System is Tight Network of Ordinary Citizens,” by Steve Mills. Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) (pg. 9A) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• May 29, 1992 “Speaker Berates Family Courts,” by Richard Eisen. Staten Island Advance (pg. A6).
• October 23, 1992 “Powers that be Doom this Little Girl,” by Ray Kerrison. New York Post (one of ten columns Kerrison wrote on Neustein).
• November 7, 1992 “Pols Demand Look into Child’s Case,” by Michael Powell. New York Newsday.
• November 8, 1992 “A Mother Battles the Bureaucracy,” by Merle English. New York Newsday.
• November 9, 1992 “Pleas for a Dying Child Go Unheeded,” by Ray Kerrison. The New York Post (pp. 7, 14).
• January 15, 1993 “State Pol Acts to Bare Tale Of Horror - ‘Travesty of Justice’ Menaces Girl’s Life,” by Ray Kerrison. The New York Post (pg. 2).
• April 22, 1993 “Fugitive Mom Regains Custody of Her Child,” by Steve Mills. Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) (pp. 1A, 11A) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• May 17, 1993 “ ‘Protectors’ Hide as Girl is Abused,” by Ray Kerrison. The New York Post (pg. 20).
• May 21, 1993 “Children’s Cries for Help Deserve More Attention,” by Barbara Reynolds. USA Today (pg. 11A).
• May 22, 1993 “Children's Advocate at Hearing Urges Probe of Family Court,” by Charles Baillou. The New York Amsterdam News (pg. 24) (Neustein case discussed as platform issue for NYC's contested race for Public Advocate).
• May 1993 “Can the State Murder a Child?” by Ian Jeffreys. The New York Guardian (pg. 4).
• June 17, 1993 “Lawyer-Mom Kills Child, Self,” by Mel Juffe. The New York Post (pg. 20) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• June 17, 1993 “A Family’s Tragedy,” by David McClendon. Rockland Journal-News (pp. A1, A15) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• June 18, 1993 “She Helped Others, But Rimland Died without Asking for Help,” by Len Maniace. Rockland Journal-News (pg. A10) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• July 5, 1993 “Wise Guys” (political column), by Terry Golway. The New York Observer (pg. 5) (Neustein case discussed as platform issue for NYC's contested race for Public Advocate).
• July 26, 1993 “ ‘No Choice,’ She Kills Self and Daughter,” by Raurie Sherman. National Law Journal (p. 8) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• September/October 1993 “Will It Ever End?” by Lynn Wenzel. New Directions for Women, Vol. 22(5), (lead story: pp. 3-5, 29-30).
• September 17, 1993 “Why Paterson Deserved Vote,” by Ray Kerrison. The New York Post (pg. 12) (Neustein case discussed as platform issue for NYC's contested race for Public Advocate).
• December 1993 “Code of Denial: Victims of Domestic Violence in Traditional Jewish Homes Face a Complicated Escape,” by Hannah Liebman. City Limits (New York, NY) (pp. 10-12) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• December 31, 1993 “Lightle Parole Bid is Opposed,” by J. Swygart. Wapakoneta Daily News (Ohio) (pp. 1, 3) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• June 1994 “What Every Woman Must Know About Divorce,” by Melinda Blau. McCall’s (pp. 90-94, 97,150) (Neustein cited as expert).
• December 11, 1994 “Abuse Victims Flee Aboard Underground Railroad of 90’s,” by Michael G. Wagner. Sacramento Bee (CA) (lead story: pp. A1-3, A10-12). Story received award from the National Women’s Political Caucus and Radcliffe College on May 5, 1995 for its feature on women’s issues (Neustein, as expert).
• November 3, 1995 “Judges Sentence Kids to Life of Pain,” by Barbara Reynolds. USA Today (pg. 13A).
• Divorced From Justice: The Abuse of Women and Children by Divorce Lawyers and Judges by Karen Winner. New York, NY: HarperCollins Pubs., Inc. (story referenced in book as “the most tragic, highly profiled case ”).
• January 14, 1996 “Whistleblower Punished at CWA,” by Susan Forrest. The New York Post (pg. 3) (Neustein case cited).
• October 1, 1996 “A Child’s at Stake: A Custody Fight Becomes a Political Nightmare,” by Adam Fifield and Michael Lesher. Village Voice (pp. 10, 12-13).
• November 1, 1996 “ Speaking with Their Silence: A Troubling Child Sex Abuse Case in Orthodox Community Raises the Question, Where Are Our Leaders?” by Michael Lesher. The Jewish Week (pg. 28).
• May 11, 1997 “A Mother Who Mourns the Day,” by Merle English. Newsday (pg. 35).
• May 16, 1997 “American sociologist warns Danish mother of dangers of New York City foster care system,” by Karsten Bronnum. Ekstra Bladet (Denmark) (pg. 9) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• June 30, 1997 “Orthodox Community Reacts to Arrests of Rabbis,” by Daniel Starling. Kings Courier (pp. 2, 22) (Neustein quoted as expert on crimes in the Orthodox and Hasidic community).
• No I Won’t Shut Up: 30 Years of Telling It Like It Is by Barbara Reynolds (USA Today columnist). Nashville, TN: Winston-Derek Publishers, Inc. (two USA Today columns about Neustein reprinted in the book).
• March 26, 2002 “It’s Not Just Catholics Who Have to Worry,” by Douglas Montero. The New York Post (pg. 13) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• April 16, 2002 “Jewish Court Stymies Report,” by Karen Matthews. Associated Press; pdf version: here (picked up in Newsday, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, The Dallas Morning News, The Rockland Journal-News (NY), The Guardian (UK), among others; Neustein quoted as expert).
• January 10, 2003 “Custodians of Abuse,” by Kristen Lombardi. Boston Phoenix (pp. 1, 12-20) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• May 28, 2003 “Tripping up the Prosecution,” by Stephanie Saul. Newsday (pg. A6) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• December 5, 2003 “Rabbi Blau Weighs in on Custody Case,” by Nacha Cattan. The Forward (pg. 11) pdf version: here
• June 2, 2004 “Tug-of-Love Ends in Agony,” by Brad Hamilton and Heidi Finger. New York Post (pp. 4-5).
• September 10, 2004 “Facing A Mixed Legacy: First Carlebach Conference to Grapple with Issue of Abuse Head On,” by Adam Dickter. The Jewish Week (pp. 1, 14-15) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• December 17, 2004 “Mothers Push Reforms in Family Courts' Handling of Custody Cases,” by Jennifer Friedlin. The Forward (pg. 6); pdf version: here
• January 7, 2005 “From Childless Mother to Family Court Reformer” by Amy Neustein. The Jewish Press (pg. F1).
• January 8, 2005 “Abused at home, and then in courts” by Kate Gurnett. The Times Union (Albany, NY) (pp. B1, B7).
• March 2005 (Adar II 5765) “A 20-Year-Old Custody Battle Brings Charges of Abuse to the Orthodox Community: In Edgewater, a Mother Waits for Her Daughter To Come Home [Waiting for Sherry Part I]” by Rachel Bluth and Susan Rosenbluth. The Jewish Voice and Opinion (pg. 30).
• April 22, 2005 “Let My Children Go” by Amy Neustein. The Jewish Press (pg. 8).
• May 2005 “From Madness to Mutiny” by Jesse Rosenthal. The Residential (pg. 10).
• May 2005 (Iyar 5765) “Waiting for Sherry Part II: Who Doesn’t Want From Madness to Mutiny Published ... and Why?” by Susan Rosenbluth. The Jewish Voice and Opinion (pg. 3).
• May 2005 (Iyar 5765) “Correction/Clarification/Apology” by Susan Rosenbluth. The Jewish Voice and Opinion (pg. 17).
• May 2005 (Iyar 5765) “Dear Sherry” letter by Susan Rosenbluth. The Jewish Voice and Opinion (pg. 19).
• May 9, 2005 “Psychologist's profile sent her packing” by Judy Masterson. The News Sun (Chicago), (pp. 1-2) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• May 20, 2005 “Neustein Reveals Family Court Flaws” by Daniel Hubbard. Edgewater View (pg. 3).
• May 27, 2005 “Mothers protect children from family courts” by Shira Schoenberg. The Jewish Advocate (Boston), (pg. 12).
• May 27, 2005 “Locals Co-Author New Book” Community News section. New Jersey Jewish Standard (pg. 13).
• June 2005 (Sivan 5765) “Waiting for Sherry Part III: Was That Really Sherry Orbach Writing in The Jewish Press?” by Susan Rosenbluth. The Jewish Voice and Opinion (pg. 22).
• June 2005 (Sivan 5765) “Letters to the Editor” by Mo Therese Hannah, Ph.D., Rosalie Harman, Larry Molton, and Jeremy H. Griffith. The Jewish Voice and Opinion (pp. 68-69).
• June 3, 2005 “From Madness to Mutiny” Community News section. Jewish Community News for the Clifton/Passaic Area (pg. 11).
• September 2005 (Elul 5765) “Letters to the Editor: The Courts and the Community Failed” by Henry Meller. The Jewish Voice and Opinion (pg. 85).
• September/October 2005 “Groundbreaking Book: From Madness to Mutiny.” Bergen County The Magazine (pg. 61).
• Autumn 2005 “Book Review: From Madness to Mutiny” by Helen Grieco, Executive Director, California NOW, in California NOW Activist (pg. 6).
• November 2005 “A New Release Examines Why Family Courts Are Failing” by Barbara Clarke. Women's VU (the monthly newsletter of the Margaret Cuninggim Women's Center at Vanderbilt University) (pg. 4)
• November 2, 2005 “Custody ruling protested: Mother, supporters decry judicial system amid battle over child's fate” by Michele Morgan Bolton. The Times Union (Albany, NY) (pg. 1) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• November 2, 2005 “OCA Opens Files to Counter Judge's Critics” by John Caher. New York Law Journal (pg. 1, 10) (Neustein quoted as expert).
• December 2, 2005 (Kislev 5766) “From madness to mutiny: How one woman challenged the system” by Vicki Cabot, Contributing Editor. Jewish News of Greater Phoenix (pg. 6).
• December 2005 (Kislev 5766) “Dr. Amy Neustein: Battered Mothers Custody Conference ‘Woman of Valor’ ” by Susan Rosenbluth. The Jewish Voice and Opinion (pg. 3).
• December 15, 2005 “Award for Activist , Author Neustein at Siena Conference on Mothers Custody.” The Jewish World (Albany) (pg. 5).
• December 30, 2005 “Dr. Amy Neustein: ‘Woman of Valor’ at BMCC” by Susan Rosenbluth. The Jewish Press (reprint of article from The Jewish Voice and Opinion, December 2005) (pp. F1, F3).
• December 30, 2005 “Judging Amy.” The Jewish Standard (pg. 3).
• Winter 2006 “Battered Mothers Custody Conference Gives Woman of Valor Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. Amy Neustein” by Mo Hannah. NOW New York State Reporter (pg. 7).
• January 6, 2006 “State delegates at family court talk.” The Jewish Advocate (Boston), (pg. 2).
• January 20, 2006 (20 Tevet 5766) The Jewish Press (pg. 9) (photo of Amy Neustein, Professor Mo Hannah, and Michael Lesher at the Battered Mothers Custody Conference, January 8, 2006)
• March 17, 2006 “ORT Courts a Younger Crowd” by Lois Goldrich. New Jersey Jewish Standard (pp. 6-7) (Neustein profiled as featured speaker for ORT).
• May 12, 2006 “Pirro: Moms Must Have a Level Playing Field in the Family Court” Yonkers Tribune; pdf version: here (Neustein and Lesher cited as experts on family court reform).
• May 13, 2006 “Pirro's 'Family' Pal” by David Seifman. New York Post (pg. 2); pdf version: here (Neustein cited as expert on family court reform).
• May 13, 2006 “Pirro Criticizes Family Courts” by Liz Anderson. The Journal News (pp. 1B-2B) (Neustein and Lesher quoted as experts on family court).
• May 22, 2006 “On the Rabbi’s Knee: Do the Orthodox Jews Have a Catholic-Priest Problem?” by Robert Kolker. New York Magazine (pp. 28-33, 102-103); pdf version: here (Neustein quoted and her case cited as the “best-known cause celebre” of its kind).
• June 2006 (Sivan 5766) “Now It's Bipartisan: Jeanine Pirro and Chris Owens Adopt Family Court Scandal Raised by Dr. Amy Neustein and Michael Lesher” by Susan Rosenbluth. The Jewish Voice and Opinion (pg. 3).
• July 2006 (Tammuz 5766) “Abuse in the Orthodox Community and the Beit Din” by Susan Rosenbluth. The Jewish Voice and Opinion (pp. 11-21) (Neustein cited as expert and investigative reporter).
• July 14, 2006 “Bipartisan Interest in Family Court Scandal” by Susan Rosenbluth. The Jewish Press (pp. F2-F3) (reprint of June 2006 article from The Jewish Voice and Opinion).
• July 21, 2006 “Alienation Smacks of Stockholm Syndrome” by Anne Grant. The Providence Journal (Opinion: Letters to the Editor).
• July 28, 2006 “Victims Press Brooklyn D.A. To Seek Abuse Suspect's Extradition From Israel” by Nathaniel Popper. Forward (pp. 1, 7); pdf version: here (Neustein quoted as “anti-abuse activist”).
• August 22, 2006 “Film Documents Systemic Family Court Problems Nationwide” by Elizabeth Stull. Brooklyn Eagle (p. 12) (citing the review of From Madness to Mutiny in the New York Law Journal).
• October 27, 2006 “Amy Neustein Fights for Sex Abuse Victims” by Robert Schmelter. Edgewater View (pp. 2, 14).
• October 27, 2006 “Amy Neustein Fights for Sex Abuse Victims” by Robert Schmelter. Fort Lee Suburbanite (pp. 4, 21).
• December 2006 (Kislev/Tevet 5767) “Jewish Women International Tackles Child-Abuse by Rabbis in the Orthodox Community” by Susan Rosenbluth. The Jewish Voice and Opinion (pp. 13-17) (Neustein quoted as authority on child sexual abuse in Jewish communities).
• December 15, 2006 “Kolko Scandal Now Criminal” by Adam Dickter. The Jewish Week (Neustein cited for seeking the appointment of a special prosecutor for other cases of child sexual abuse in the Orthodox Jewish community of Brooklyn, NY).
• March/April 2007 (Adar/Nissan 5767) “Bookends: From Madness to Mutiny” VA Jewish Life (p. 17) (describing the book and Neustein's history as “a religious Jew who has dedicated her life to exposing the family court system's prejudice against mothers trying to protect their sexually abused children”).
• July 6, 2007 “Association Pushes Terrace Repairs -- Tenants Say Repairs Are Not Urgent” by Vincent Cavalier. Edgewater View (p. 2) (describing a court's interruption of a renovation project at Admiral's Walk Condominium, and citing Neustein's role in opposing the project).
• July 27, 2007 “Unit Owners Conflict with the Admiral's Walk Board of Directors” by Jee H. Jung, Associate Editor. Korea Times (p. 3) (in Korean) (concerning Neustein's warnings of serious public health risks to Korean unit owners, especially families with young children, posed by poorly planned construction project).
• October 11, 2007 “Israel Asked To Extradite Fugitive Rabbi” by Nancie L. Katz. Daily News (p. 30) (alleged victims of Avrohom Mondrowitz express “some relief” at the news of the renewed extradition effort after many years -- see above, July 28, 2006 and elsewhere, and in Broadcast Media, for Neustein's activist role in this case).
• October 17, 2007 “Abuse Victims Hope Healing Begins with Rabbi’s Arrest” by Nancie L. Katz. Daily News (Brooklyn section, p. 47); pdf version: here (followup to the October 11 article listed above, citing “critics” who charge the case had been stalled due to Orthodox community pressure).
• October 19, 2007 “Hynes Now Seeks Mondrowitz Extradition” (Staff Report). The Jewish Week (p. 19) (quoting Neustein as an “advocate for victims of abuse who has been closely monitoring the Mondrowitz case”).
• November 2007 (Kislev 5768) “After 23 Years, Fugitive Wanted for Child Sex-Abuse in Brooklyn's Orthodox Community Faces Extradition from Israel” by Susan Rosenbluth. The Jewish Voice and Opinion (pp. 3, 6, 8, 10, 12) (Neustein quoted for her twenty years of activism on the Mondrowitz case and the issue of child sexual abuse in the Orthodox Jewish community).
• November 15, 2007 “Extradition Decision Renews Focus on Alleged Abusers Who Fled to Israel” by Ben Harris. Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) (stating that “activists on sexual abuse in the Orthodox community,” including Neustein, “will hold a news conference in New York [on November 16, 2007] to renew pressure for action in the case of Avrohom Mondrowitz”).
• November 15, 2007 “In the Basement, Behind a Closed Door” by Aviva Lori. Ha-aretz (cover story, Weekend magazine); pdf version: here (Neustein quoted as sociologist about her work in bringing Avrohom Mondrowitz to justice and improving conditions for sex abuse victims in the Orthodox Jewish community).
• November 16, 2007 “22 Years Later, a Child Abuse Suspect’s Extradition Is Sought” by Tina Kelley. New York Times (p. B4) (Neustein quoted as author and editor of upcoming book “on rabbis and pedophilia,” commenting on the background of the Avrohom Mondrowitz case).
• November 16, 2007 “Mondrowitz Arrested in Israel” (staff report). Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) (Neustein among “activists” cited as appearing at a press conference with Michael Lesher and speaking of the slowly changing attitude toward reporting sex abuse in the Orthodox community).
• November 16, 2007 “Breaking: Activists Cheer Arrest of Mondrowitz in Israel” by Adam Dickter. The Jewish Week; pdf version: here (Neustein, quoted as editor of upcoming book on sex abuse by rabbis, calls the arrest “a ray of sunshine for the victims”).
• November 21, 2007 “Alleged Pedophile Held in Israeli Prison After Extradition Request from Brooklyn” by Anthony Weiss. Forward (Neustein cited as “anti-abuse activist” who campaigned successfully for Mondrowitz's arrest).
• November 22, 2007 “Activists Welcome Suspect's Extradition” by Robert Wiener. New Jersey Jewish News (Neustein quoted criticizing rabbis for “discouraging victims from coming forward” and stating, “It is my hope and my surmise that [Mondrowitz] is going to point a finger at others”).
• December 25, 2007 “To Keep the Secret (Lishmor al ha-Sod)” by Aviva Lori. Ha-aretz (in Hebrew) (Neustein cited as supporter of victims of Avrohom Mondrowitz).
• March 12, 2008 “Jewish Community Has Warm Feelings for Spitzer Successor” by Ben Harris. Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) (Neustein quoted regarding her years of close contact with David Paterson, New York's new governor, his support for her cause, and his hearings and testimony on “the failure of the legal system to adequately protect children”).
• October 2, 2008 “Haredim Begin Confronting Pedophilia” by Lana Gersten. Forward; pdf version: here (Neustein, quoted as “one of the most outspoken activists on child abuse,” says that the “groundswell of activism and discontent with the [Orthodox Jewish] community has finally reached critical mass”).
• November 2008 (Cheshvan 5769) “Two NJ Experts in Combating Sex Abuse in the Orthodox Community Seek Spots on Dov Hikind's New Task Force” by Susan Rosenbluth. The Jewish Voice and Opinion (pp. 3, 6, 8, 10, 12-14, 16-17) (Neustein featured for her desire to join a task force on child sex abuse in the Orthodox community being established by a prominent Orthodox New York State politician; Neustein quoted as saying, “This has been our cause for many years; now it belongs to all of us.”) A related story in the same issue raises questions about another person possibly considered for the task force: “Dov Hikind’s Challenge: Who Should Sit -- and Who Should Not -- on Taskforce Dealing with Sex Abuse in the Frum Community” by Susan Rosenbluth.
• March 2009 (Adar 5769) “Cleaning Up Our Own Backyard” by Susan Rosenbluth. The Jewish Voice and Opinion (pp. 3, 6, 8) (announcing Neustein to be featured as expert at a panel presentation at Yeshiva University's Cardozo Law School on March 3, called “The Evolving Balance: Abuse in Religious Communities and the Law”).
• March 6, 2009 “Panel To Discuss Abuse by Clergy” by Abigail Klein Leichman. New Jersey Jewish Standard (March 15 panel discussion on child sexual abuse in Jewish communities, at the Union for Traditional Judaism, Teaneck NJ, will “serve as a book-launching for Tempest in the Temple: Jewish Communities and Child Sex Scandals, edited by Amy Neustein”); pdf version: here
• April 2, 2009 “Brooklyn DA Announces New Plan To Urge Reporting of Abuse” by Hella Winston. The Jewish Week (cites Tempest in the Temple to challenge the Brooklyn D.A.’s claim to resist interference from Orthodox rabbis in sex abuse cases).
• April 2, 2009 “Hynes Hit for 'Lip Service'” by Alex Ginsberg. New York Post, pg. 13; pdf version: here (cites Tempest in the Temple; Neustein calls the Brooklyn D.A.’s new program to encourage reporting of sex crimes from the Orthodoxy community “lip service” and asks, “There’s two decades of seriously mishandled cases. Why is case after case subverted rather than prosecuted?”).
• April 3, 2009 “New book takes on sexual abuse in the Jewish community” by Vladimir Shvorin. The Jewish Advocate (Boston), pg. 6 (announcing publication of Neustein’s Tempest in the Temple, part of the Brandeis Series in American Jewish History, Culture, and Life; Professor Jonathan Sarna, chief editor of the series, comments that the book “really opened up a subject that had never been opened up before in this way.... I was very glad to see the book appear in our series”).
• April 7, 2009 “‘Tempest in the Temple’: A Strange New Book Alleges Corruption & Conspiracy in Brooklyn” by Samuel Newhouse. The Brooklyn Eagle, back cover; pdf version: here (detailing charges against the Brooklyn D.A. made in Tempest; Neustein calls the new “hotline” announced by the D.A. for sex abuse victims in Brooklyn’s Orthodox community a “canard” and “a complete fraud”).
• May 1, 2009 “2 more swine flu cases confirmed in New Jersey; 7 total” by Bob Groves. The Bergen Record (Neustein describes local reactions to spread of swine flu).
• June 17, 2009 “Colmer Plea Deal Seen Raising Questions” by Hella Winston. The Jewish Week; pdf version: here (Tempest in the Temple cited as source of information on timely child sex abuse case in the Orthodox Jewish community).
• July 31, 2009 “Dr. Joyanne Silberg, Tempest in the Temple” by Barbara Pash. Baltimore Jewish Times, pp. 20-21 (Tempest in the Temple and Neustein, as editor, cited for groundbreaking work on child sex abuse in Jewish communities).
• November 10, 2009 “A Haredi Town Confronts Abuse from the Inside” by Steve Lipman. The Jewish Week, pp. 1, 22, 23; pdf version: here (Tempest in the Temple quoted in article about an Orthodox community struggling with child sex abuse reports).
• November 11, 2009 “Tempest in the Temple: Jewish Communities & Child Sex Scandals” by David Morris. The Jewish Press, pp. F2, F4 (Tempest in the Temple praised as the “first-ever comprehensive book on this painful & controversial subject” and as “important in every sense”).
• January 16, 2010 “Book on child sexual abuse in Jewish community wins award” by editorial staff. San Diego Jewish World. (Neustein’s article with Michael Lesher entitled “A single-case study of Rabbinic sexual abuse in the Orthodox Jewish Community,” Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 17(3/4), pp. 270-289, wins a Pro Humanitate award from the the North American Resource Center for Child Welfare for “the intellectual integrity and moral courage required to transcend political and social barriers to champion best practice in the field of child welfare.” The award is given at a ceremony in San Diego; pdf version here.)
• July 20, 2010 “Sex-abuse case against rabbi raises larger issues” by Michael Rezendes, Globe Staff. Boston Globe; pdf version: here (Neustein quoted as expert on child sexual abuse by rabbis, and as editor of Tempest).
• July 23, 2010 “Sex-abuse case against rabbi raises larger issues” by Michael Rezendes, Globe Staff. The European Union Times (reprint of the July 20 article in the Boston Globe).
• October 1, 2010 “Sister wins bitter sibling battle over Brooklyn home” by Philip Messing. New York Post (Amy Neustein victorious in lawsuit against slumlord brother; she calls it “a victory for Orthodox Jewish women who refuse to be enslaved and subjugated by patriarchal traditions”).
• October 1, 2010 “Surrogate’s Court Ends Siblings’ 8-Year Battle Over Home” by Samuel Newhouse. Brooklyn Daily Eagle (same story as above).
• October 2, 2010 “Activist Sister Wins Bitter ‘Yerusha’ Battle over Older Brother” VINnews; pdf version: here.
• October 2010 (Cheshvan 5771) “Amy Neustein: Victory in Court Could Lead to a Personal Victory, Too” by Susan Rosenbluth. The Jewish Voice and Opinion (pp. 3, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14-15) (describing Amy Neustein’s court victory and related matters).
• December 6, 2010 “Growing Up With Steven Solarz” by Raanan Geberer. Brooklyn Daily Eagle (p. 1) (Neustein is profiled describing memories of the late Congressman as her next-door neighbor on Dover Street, Brooklyn).
• Winter 2011 “National Short Takes” in Ms. Magazine (briefly summarizing how Amy Neustein won “her eight-year legal battle to gain ownership of the house that her father bequeathed her”; see entries for October 1, 2010 above).
• May 12, 2011 “Documentary examines controversial issue” by Sheldon Kirshner. Canadian Jewish News (Canadian television will broadcast groundbreaking documentary on child sex abuse in Orthodox Jewish communities on May 16; Neustein, featured in the documentary, is quoted as saying, “Victims are branded as liars, while offenders walk free”).
• June 23, 2011 “Tackling child sex abuse among haredi Jews” by David Lazarus. Canadian Jewish News, Montreal edition, p. 12 (Neustein, quoted as the author of “landmark works” on child sex abuse, describes how “families that threaten to go to the police to report sex abuse are coerced into having a rabbinic court deal with the charges . . . so that ultimately ‘the perpetrator is protected,’ . . . while the abused go on to live in torment, shame and guilt, or perhaps even to eventually become abusers themselves”).
• June 23, 2011 “Tackling child sex abuse among haredi Jews” by David Lazarus. Canadian Jewish News, Toronto edition, p. 30 (same as above).
• July 19, 2011 “Jews’ ‘splitting’ headache” by Leonard Greene. New York Post, p. 7; pdf version: here (Neustein quoted as “a child-custody and divorce expert” in article about inequities in Orthodox Jewish divorces).
• July 26, 2011 “Rabbinical court opens sex abuse debate in orthodox community” by Marian Scott. Montreal Gazette, pp. 1, A8 (Neustein, identified as an “expert on sexual abuse in the Orthodox community,” explains how “The Beit Din hijacks the criminal justice system because it supplants it and usurps the authority”).
• July 26, 2011 “Rabbinical court opens sex abuse debate in orthodox community” by Marian Scott. Vancouver Sun (same substance as previous article).
• July 27, 2011 “Jews’ advice to parents on sex abuse criticized” by Marian Scott. National Post/Financial Post, p. 4 (Neustein criticizes the role of Jewish courts in the reporting of child sex abuse cases).
• July 28, 2011 “Montreal Rabbinical Court Advice on Sexual Abuse Falls Short” (citing PostMedia News). 24-7 News (Neustein, as expert, quoted as saying “the religious court is ‘proficient at obstructing justice’”).
• August 4, 2011 “Beth Din issues advisory on inappropriate touching” by staff writers. Canadian Jewish News, p. 5 (Montreal edition), p. 6 (Toronto edition) (“U.S. sex abuse expert Amy Neustein said sex abuse in the haredi community continues to be swept under the rug”).
• September 15, 2011 “Around Reading: Looking Back at 100 ‘On the Bookshelf’ Columns” by Josh Lambert. Tablet (assessing two years’ worth of reviews of new books, this influential reviewer lists Neustein’s Tempest in the Temple among the most important books of the period, along with works by Philip Roth, Erica Jong and Cynthia Ozick -- see Lambert’s original review here).
• December 6, 2011 “In Lakewood Abuse Cases, A ‘Parallel Justice System’” by Hella Winston. The Jewish Week (Neustein cited as editor of Tempest in the Temple in article exposing sex abuse cover-ups, as described in chapter co-written by Neustein).
• December 28, 2011 “Upper Manhattan Has the Borough’s Worst Landlords, Report Says” by Jeff Mays. DNAinfo.com (Manhattan local news) (Neustein says her brother’s behavior as New York City’s “worst landlord” for 2011 is “immoral and contrary to the way our parents raised us . . . I’m disheartened to be in the position of being a sister speaking out against her brother, but if more sisters spoke out maybe we wouldn’t have slumlords”).
• March 14, 2012 “Take My Brother -- Please: Sister of City’s Worst Slumlord Wants Him Thrown in Jail” by Michael Ewing. New York Observer; pdf version: here (in a March 13 column in City Limits, Neustein calls for enforcement of criminal penalties against slumlords under New York City’s Administrative Code). (To view the column, click here. The biographical note accompanying the column is found here. Neustein’s column was reprinted on March 20, 2012 in the Legislative Gazette; to view that, click here.)
• March 27, 2012 “City’s ‘Worst Landlord’ Investigated for Tax Evasion and Drug Dealing” by Jeff Mays. DNAinfo.com (Neustein cited for conveying concerns about her “slumlord” brother to authorities because “there are children in my brother’s building being subjected to horrific conditions”; currently, the landlord has been “reported to the NYPD, the Internal Revenue Service and three other state and federal agencies last month after a probe by the city’s Department of Investigation”).
• March 28, 2012 “City Investigating Worst in All New York at Behest of Crusading Sister” by Michael Ewing. New York Observer; pdf version: here (reporting that “tenants support” key charges against Josh Neustein; “one in particular, who asked DNAinfo not to disclose his name in fear of retaliation, noted that he’s been trying to have Mr. Neustein repair his apartment for more than a decade.” The report concludes: “He’s not a slumlord, but rather the slumlord”).
• April 5, 2012 “City’s ‘worst’ landlord calls leafy R’dale his home” by Graham Kates. The Riverdale Press, pp. 1, 2; pdf version: here (one of Josh Neustein’s tenants confirms that the landlord “took weeks” to fix a “big hole” leaking into the bathroom; in addition, HPD has launched “its most major legal salvo to date against Mr. Neustein . . . demanding that Mr. Neustein fix every infraction listed for his building at 720 W. 180 St.”).
• June 26, 2012 “Praise, Questions For Hynes After Arrests” by Hella Winston. The Jewish Week (Neustein is cited for her journal article, co-written with Michael Lesher, detailing how a rabbinic court stopped the sex abuse prosecution of a Hasidic tutor, Solomon Hafner).
• June 28, 2012 “Brooklyn Prosecutor’s Role in Abuse Case Is Examined” by Ray Rivera. The New York Times, p. A22 (Neustein cited as editor of Tempest in the Temple and quoted regarding the suspected number of victims of notorious indicted child abuser Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz).
• July 4, 2012 “Pursuing Mondrowitz: What is the Brooklyn DA Doing About it?” by Fern Sidman. The Jewish Voice (Neustein cited as editor of Tempest, which contains a “detailed history of the [Mondrowitz] case”; Neustein also cited for the approximate number of Mondrowitz’s victims).
• June 3, 2013 “Natural Language Processing Leaders And LinguaSys Co-Founders Brian Garr and Vadim Berman Contribute Expertise to New Book Where Humans Meet Machines” by Staff. BusinessWire; pdf version: here (book co-written by Neustein cited; the article also appears in the Wall Street Journal on-line).
• November 12, 2013 “The Child-Rape Assembly Line” by Christopher Ketcham. Vice Magazine; pdf version: here (Neustein explains that when mothers report sexual abuse of their children, “Rabbinical courts cast the mothers aside, and the effects are permanent”).
• December 4, 2013 “Bad Rabbi: Tales of Extortion and Torture Depict a Divorce Broker’s Brutal Grip on the Orthodox Community” by Albert Samaha. The Village Voice; pdf version: here (Neustein discusses the cases of Rabbi Mendel Epstein, who pressured mothers into acquiescing to demands made by the husband).
• April 10, 2014 “Dilapidated home gets new owner, faces DOB violation” by Ashley Helms. The Riverdale Press; pdf version: here (Neustein expresses concern about the state of a Riverdale house once owned by her brother: “Neglect is an understatement”).
• October 24, 2014 “Picking Up The Pieces In A Shocked Synagogue Post ‘Peeping Rabbi’ Scandal” by Hannah Dreyfus. The Jewish Week (asked about an Orthodox rabbi accused of voyeurism, Neustein, cited as editor of Tempest in the Temple, says the rabbinate needs to improve its protection of women and children from sexual misconduct: “There’s a tsunami out there, and every now and again children and women become the victims”).
• February 15, 2015 “Clean the courts” by Amy Neustein. New York Post (in a published Letter to the Editor, in light of corruption charges against Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, Neustein stresses that “I’ve advocated for changes to the New York court system” and concludes, “Maybe it’s time to clean up everything that Silver touched”).
• June 21, 2015 ““Childless Mother” Dr. Amy Neustein: A Legacy of Standing Up for Women and Children” by Susan Rosenbluth. The Jewish Voice and Opinion (pp. 22-23); pdf version: here (describing Neustein’s keynote address at the Battered Mothers Custody Conference on May 17, 2015, in which she spoke both of her professional achievements and of her personal fight for her daughter’s safety).
• November 3, 2015 “Police: Network of family court critics is hiding Rucki sisters” by Brandon Stahl. Minneapolis Star Tribune (pp. A1, A6); pdf version: here (Neustein quoted as expert in a case involving two children who ran away after being forced by a family court into the sole custody of a father they say abused them).
• February 12, 2016 “Inside the Movement to Keep Missing Kids Missing” by Max Kutner. Newsweek; pdf version: here (in an article describing mothers who went on the run with their children to avoid exposing them to the risk of abuse, Neustein, quoted as an expert, says that “the system was so desperate, that it was failing so miserably, there was no choice other than to run”).
• February 15, 2017 “Taking Internet Technology To A Whole New Level: An Interview with Dr. Amy Neustein” by Rabbi Aaron I. Reichel. The Jewish Press; pdf version: here (Neustein explains how a new software platform developed by her company, Linguistic Technology Systems, Inc., affects the lives of everyday users and helps banking institutions, brokerage houses, credit card companies, call centers, hospitals, and government intelligence agencies).
• March 27, 2017 “Champion of Family Rights Now Building New Web Architecture That Will Boost Convenience and Security” by Susan Rosenbluth. Jewish Voice and Opinion; pdf version: here (Neustein explains how her experiences in the family court system helped her understand the needs of ordinary people, which she now addresses with the design of improved software).
• March 30, 2017 “From victim, to advocate, to entrepreneur” by Lois Goldrich. Jewish Standard; pdf version: here (profile charts Neustein’s progress from being “[d]ragged through the court system” to being a prominent speaker about new software technologies and about “how to get out of the pit”).
• May 2022 — The new media company 18FORTY features Tempest in the Temple as “Recommended Reading” for their series “Abuse in our Community” (see pdf, or web link here — scroll down if necessary).
• August 12, 2022 — The A&E “True Crime Blog” profiled Faye Yager in How Faye Yager Operated Her ‘Children of the Underground’ Network, quoting Amy Neustein as an author and advocate for family court reform (pdf version here).
• August 12, 2022 — The TV channel “FX” presented a five-part series titled Children of the Underground, for which Dr. Neustein was interviewed and served as an important information-source, appearing across the series' episodes; the Daily Beast wrote a favorable review about that mini-series and followed up with “Their Husbands Were Pedophiles. So They Took Their Kids and Disappeared”, an article outlining how a failed family court system has forced some mothers to take their children into hiding — pdf version here.
• August 12, 2022 “One Woman's Fight Against the American Family Court System” by Rebecca Guzman. The Jewish Press, pp. 30–35; pdf version here.
Letters to the editor responding to “One Woman's Fight Against the American Family Court System”: Dr. Amy Neustein, Advocate for Mothers’ Rights, The Jewish Press, August 19, 2022; pdf version here.
Letters to the editor responding to “One Woman's Fight Against the American Family Court System”: Amy Neustein’s Fight, The Jewish Press, August 19, 2022; pdf version here.
Letters to the editor responding to “One Woman's Fight Against the American Family Court System”: Impact of Amy Neustein, The Jewish Press, August 26, 2022; pdf version here.
• August 18, 2022 “One Woman's Fight Against the American Family Court System” (condensed version of the profile piece printed the week prior in The Jewish Press) by Rebecca Guzman. Jewish Link, p. 74; pdf version here.
Letters to the editor responding to “One Woman’s Fight Against the American Family Court System”: Spotlighting Abuse, by Dr. Mo Therese Hannah, Chair, Battered Mothers Custody Conference, Albany, New York, Jewish Link, August 25, 2022, p. 10; pdf version here.
• September 4, 2022 “One Woman's Fight Against the American Family Court System” by Rebecca Guzman, selected by Meghan Weiland for a 48-hour posting on NewYork City Local News (newsofnyc.com); the link One Woman’s Fight Against The American Family Court System | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | Rebecca Guzman | 9 Elul 5782 - September 4, 2022 - NewYork City Local News (newsofnyc.com) expired on Spetember 6.
• SOCIAL MEDIA: In a system that supports the abusers and neglects the abused, that champions malicious fathers and oppresses honest mothers, Neustein is a voice for change and a crusader for #justice is an Instagram page composed by user “custody piece” (500K - 1M views per month) in response to Rebecca Guzman's piece in The Jewish Press cited previously; pdf view (of the Instagram center page) here.
• September 22, 2022 “Dr. Amy Neustein: Mothers Reporting Abuse Losing Custody ‘at Staggering Rates’” by Frank Parlato. Amy Neustein was featured on “Frank Report,” the blog of investigative journalist Frank Parlato (500K views per month); pdf version here.
• December 9, 2022 “The ‘Miracle Hospital Chaplain’ Visit” by Michelle Etlin. The Jewish Press (pg. 10). Please see tagline at the bottom: The mother from Brooklyn referred to in this article is Dr. Amy Neustein, the subject of our article, “One Woman’s Fight Against the American Family Court System” in the August 12 issue — pdf version here.
• December 5, 2023 “Rabbi Abraham Neustein and Rabbi Yechiel Mekler: Two Rabbonim of Beth Israel” by Yitzchok Shteierman. Yated Ne’eman; print version 5 Cheshvan 5784 | October 20, 2023, p. 108 — pdf version here. Dr. Amy Neustein was cited in this article about her father.
• February 5, 2024 “Israel in Context: Silence!” by Bev Goldman. Jewish Life, p. 52 (pdf version here). Dr. Amy Neustein’s Women’s eNews commentary from November 30, 2023 was quoted in this article about muted UN response to Hamas crimes against Israeli women: “In her article in Women’s E-News, author/editor Amy Neustein wrote, ‘The assault on women and children is opprobrious and execrable ... I am using my public profile as a writer and activist to make an entreaty to the women’s movement to respond with indignation and ire over the rape, defilement, and slaughter of our sisters in Israel.’”
• April 4, 2024 “Justice: Fixing the world, and fixing ourselves” by Bev Goldman. Jewish Life, issue 161 (Pesach 5784/2024 Special Edition), pp. 62–64 (pdf version here).
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Newsweek (“My Turn” Column)
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